#Throwback, Baby!

#Throwback, Baby!

December 29, 2001.  

5 Things You Need to Know About This Picture

1. I'm old enough to remember what cassette tapes are.  This was the only way to transport music for me in 2001. Owning a CD player was forbidden by my parents. Ironically, for Christmas, they accidentally bought my sister a stereo with a CD player. Even us kids were surprised.      

2. Song #1 was most likely a Whyteshadows song. Wished I could recall.

3. This was my first vocal contest ever and the beginning of sharing my voice beyond my hometown.  

4. I was competing for the Hmong American New Year (HANY) Vocal Contest in Minneapolis, MN. I don't know how 16-year-old Pagnia Xiong found the courage to enter a vocal contest by herself, but I'm really glad she did.

5. The handwriting on this cassette tape is not mine. It belongs to my oldest sister, Nancy (who was gifted the stereo). It's been so long and often times, you can forget who was always standing by your side. I'm sure Nancy wrote the info on the tape so that I had everything the organizers needed & for me to have a perfect performance once onstage. Thinking about this 13 years later has me teary-eyed.

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